User Guide ========== Installation ------------ Requirements ############ Fapswitch has the following prequisites, this is the minimum required to run the code: * Python * Version 2.7, 3.3 or greater * * NumPy * Any recent version * To build the documentation you will need: * Sphinx * Any version * Added functionality is accessible with these optional libraries but the code will function without them. * Open Babel * Required for ligand structure perception * * Periodic Open Babel * Required for bond perception in initial structure * * RDKit * Required for synthetic accessibility scores * * SQLAlchemy * Store cifs in the database backend in addition to files * Useful if you generate lots of structures * * SciPy * A `scipy.weave` optimised collision tester, `cvdw`, can speed up the code * Currently does not work with Python 3.3 or where no C++ compiler is found * * Tornado * Used to provide a web interface to functionalisation * Source ###### * Obtain a copy of the source code from If you do not have access, contact a member of the Woo lab. * Unpack the source somewhere. * Add the `bin/` to your path to have access to the scripts for running the code. * Add the root directory to your PYTHONPATH to make the modules importable from your own code. Running on Wooki ---------------- * Use the provided module for fapswitch. * Run `module avail` to see which versions are available * Use `module load fapswitch/7.0.0` where 7.0.0 can be any later version * The module will try and load the modules for RDKit Running on Sharcnet ------------------- * The current version is maintained in `tdaff`'s home * Add the following to your `~/.bashrc`: .. code-block:: sh # for fapswitch export PATH=$PATH:/home/tdaff/Compile/fapswitch-7.0/bin export PYTHONPATH=/home/tdaff/Compile/fapswitch-7.0:$PYTHONPATH # for openbabel/pybel export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:/home/tdaff/work/Software/Python/lib/python2.7/site-packages export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/tdaff/work/Software/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH export PATH=/home/tdaff/work/Software/bin:$PATH # for RDKit export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/tdaff/work/Software/RDKit_2013_09_1/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH export PYTHONPATH=/home/tdaff/work/Software/RDKit_2013_09_1:$PYTHONPATH export LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib64/ Preparing Input Files --------------------- Fapswitch requires your initial structure as a cif file. To make sure you have the best functionalisation experience, the following preparations can help you * Clean any solvent from the structure, otherwise it will prevent functional groups fitting in. * Remove disorder from the structure. During the functionalisation, partially occupied sites all become fully occupied. * Reduce the atoms in the cif to the asymmetric unit and make sure that all the symmetry operations are provided. * If no connectivity information is provided in the CIF, use the `openbabel` connectivity option and the structure will be passed to openbabel for bond and atom type perception. If you have a periodic system you will need to use a periodic version of openbabel. Always check that the final bonding and types make sense! * (*Preferred*) Add bonding information to the cif: * CIFs exported from Materials Studio with the correct bonding will have the bonding in the correct format for fapswitch. * To utilise the bonding information use `bondsonly` option for connectivity and atom typing will be derived from the provided bonds. * To manually add the bonding, it is contained within a `loop_` that defines atoms in the bond by their atom labels, optionally their distance, and the bond type (S=single, D=double, T=Triple, A=Aromatic):: loop_ _geom_bond_atom_site_label_1 _geom_bond_atom_site_label_2 _geom_bond_distance _ccdc_geom_bond_type C1 C2 1.1021 A * (Optionally) Add atom typing information to the cif: * Put the atom type in the `_atom_site_description` field. * Assign atom types based on the UFF to work with the atom types on the functional groups. * To utilise the typing information use `file` option for connectivity and no bond perception will be carried out. * These get passed through to the output file. * Must be added manually:: loop_ _atom_site_label _atom_site_type_symbol _atom_site_description _atom_site_fract_x _atom_site_fract_y _atom_site_fract_z C1 C C_R 0.943990 0.413360 0.732350 C2 C C_R 0.681010 0.211640 0.267650 O1 O O_3 1.000000 0.324853 0.517757 H1 H H_ 0.881320 0.412480 0.761750 Options ------- All of the fapswitch codes use a unified options and command scheme. Options are set as simple "option = value". In some cases the value can be a list of values, for which punctuation is ignored, so that any whitespace, comma or brackets can be used to separate items. Boolean options accept, "true", "yes", "on", "1" for positive responses (case insensitive). Options specified are used in ascending priority as listed below: * (lowest priority) **defaults** are set for all options. These are shown below or can be found in the file `fapswitch/config/defaults.fap` * **job types** are specified through the commandline. When running the command use the `-j` option to specify job types and the code will search the user's ~/.faps folder for the corresponding job.fap files, for example: -j basic -j just_halogen job_name will read the options from `~/.faps/basic.fap`, followed by `~/.faps/just_halogen.fap` * **job specific** options are read from `job_name.fap` in the working directory. * (highest priority) **commandline** options are specified with `-o option=value` and take priority over all other options. All options ########### .. envvar:: backends Default: file Backends to store the output structures. [str, list] {file, sqlite} .. envvar:: collision_method Default: vdw Method to use to test for collisions [str] {absolute, covalent, vdw} .. envvar:: collision_scale Default: 1.122462048309373 Absolute value in Angstrom or scale factor for atomic radii for minimum distance in collision test for insertions [float] .. envvar:: connectivity Default: openbabel Where to get the connectivity information from and how to interpret it. [str] {openbabel, file, bondsonly} .. envvar:: custom_strings Default: Make functionalisations with the set of {.freeform.srings.} and [symm@try.strings]. [str, list] .. envvar:: full_random_count Default: 0 Number of completely randomised structures to make. [int] .. envvar:: hash_filenames Default: onerror Convert the func@site part of filenames to unique hashes that may produce shorter filenames this can be done either 'never', 'always' or only when encountering an error writing the file 'onerror'. [str] {always, never, onerror} .. envvar:: max_different Default: 0 Maximum number of groups that will be used simultaneously. [int] .. envvar:: mepo_only Default: False Only load MEPO-QEq compatible groups. [bool] .. envvar:: port Default: 0 Socket port to run the server mode on; leave as zero to pick random available port as two instances cannot share a port. [int] .. envvar:: replace_all_sites Default: False Should fapswitch produce all group@site combinations? [bool] .. envvar:: replace_groups Default: Only use the specified groups in systematic functionalisations. [list] .. envvar:: replace_only Default: Only replace the listed sites in systematic functionalisations. [list] .. envvar:: rotations Default: 12 Number of times the group will be rotated when testing for insertion. For systematic functionalisation, each rotation will be 360/rotations. For randomised cases this is the number of random trials before failing. Changing this value will produce different structures for the same functionalisation string. [int] .. envvar:: site_random_count Default: 0 Number of symmetry based randomised structures to make. [int] .. envvar:: timeout Default: 7200 Number of seconds of inactivity after which the daemon will close[int] .. envvar:: unfunctionalised_probability Default: 0.5 Probability that a site will have no functionalisation in random switching scheme. [float] .. _naming-and-custom-string-syntax: Naming and custom string syntax ------------------------------- * Square brackets, ``[]``, are used to denote structures with symmetry. * Naming is ``functional_group_short_code@symmetry_site_identifier``. * Groups are separated by a full stop, ``.`` * ``[Me@H1.Ph@H4]`` represents a methyl attached to site ``H1`` and a phenyl attached to ``H4``. * Exact rotations of the functional groups and disorder may be denoted by adding a ``%`` symbol: * ``a`` to ``z`` are rotation angles from 0 to 346 in 14 degree increments. * A ``+`` symbol is used to request the smallest angle for which the functional group will fit. * A ``_`` symbol denotes an unfunctionalised site. * A single character applies the rotation to all. * Rotations for all sites for that group must be specified if not applying a single rotation to all groups. * ``[Ph@H4%e]`` represents a phenyl attached to ``H4`` with all groups rotated 55 degrees * ``[Ph@H4%aeae__ae]`` represents six phenyls attached to ``H4`` with alternating rotations of 0 and 55 degrees, with two sites left unfunctionalised. * ``[Ph@H4%a_a_+_+_]`` represents four a phenyls attached to ``H4`` with two sites fixed at rotations of 0 degrees and the smallest rotation of the other sites determined by fapswitch. Four sites are left unfunctionalised. * File names include the functionalisation string (without the brackets). * Curly brackets, ``{}``, denote non symmetric functionalisation. * The functional group at each site is named in turn by the short code, separated by full stops. * Unfunctionalised sites are left empty. * Any remaining sites by the end of the string are left empty. * ``{..Me..Me..Me}`` will place a methyl on the 3rd, 5th and 7th sites, all other sites (including past the 7th) are left unfunctionalised. * To deal with long file names, the string of functional groups is converted to a hash: ``hashlib.md5(str(functions)).hexdigest()``. Running the code (typical uses) ------------------------------- For a typical job, you would set the required options in the configuration files and run ` job_name` to generate functionalised structures. Make all functional derivatives =============================== This will generate all combinations of all groups on all functional sites. For many sites and many groups, this will take a long time. .. code-block:: ini # mof.fap replace_all_sites = True Run `` mof`` to generate all the structures. Make limited functional derivatives =================================== You can limit which functional groups and sites to include in the complete functionalisation procedure. .. code-block:: ini # mof.fap replace_all_sites = True replace_groups = Me Ph Cl NH2 COOH replace_only = H2 H4 H5 max_different = 2 Run `` mof`` to generate all combinations of the five selected groups on the three functionalisation sites using no more than two different functional groups at any time. Make random functional derivatives ================================== The procedure can be completely randomised, generating members from the complete set of all possible functionalisations. .. code-block:: ini # mof.fap site_random_count = 10 full_random_count = 5 replace_groups = Me Ph Cl NH2 COOH replace_only = H2 H4 H5 max_different = 2 Run `` mof`` to generate ten random site symmetric structures using the set functional groups and sites. Also generate five structures that ignore symmetry completely. Make specific structures ======================== Using the ``custom_string`` syntax (:ref:`naming-and-custom-string-syntax`) it is possible to generate specific structures. .. code-block:: ini # mof.fap custom_strings = [Ph@H4] [Cl@H1.Me@H4] {Ph..Ph.Ph..Me...Me....Me} [COOH@H2%aaaa____mmmm] Running `` mof`` will generate two structures with set functional groups on specific symmetric sites. A third structure has groups attached to individual, non-symmetric sites. The final structure Daemon mode =========== Fapswitch can run in a client-server mode using ```` instead of the ````. Start the daemon using the same options. It is possible to specify a port to listen on in the options too. The daemon listens for a ``custom_string`` which it will create in the current directory. See ``tools/`` for how to communicate with the daemon. Web interface ============= The web interface is currently for demonstration mode only.